Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break Day 2

Well, we didn't get an early start this morning ... 

We lounged around in our pj's, then ran a few errands. 

Home Depot was first on our list. I picked up these hostas. Now, I need to find somewhere to plant them. I'm told they are fans of the shade. Is this true?!

Next, was Ingles where I bought ferns to go on our front porch. I'll tell ya', there's just something about ferns on a front porch - I just love them! The ferns at Home Depot looked like they'd been ran over by a truck, so we got our's from the grocery store :)

Last, was a hair appointment for me & I cut my hair!

But, from the picture it looks like I did, huh?!
I only got my usual highlights :)

Our day ended with a thunderstorm & a beautiful rainbow. 
Can't complain - life's pretty good :)

1 comment:

  1. We have hostas in the shade and sun. The ones in the sun do really well until it gets into the summer and the sun will sorch them. The ones in the shade take a lot longer to get big. I would go with shade a be patient!
