Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's Been A While...

I can't believe it's almost been a month since my last post! Hopefully when the baby gets here I will have a little more to talk about, but for now, here's what's been going on with me...

August 1st was my first official day as a First Grade Teacher! I have taught 4th grade for two years, so coming down to 1st was quite a shock, but...I'VE DIED & GONE TO HEAVEN! I can't even begin to tell anyone how much I love it! I have a class of 16 little sweethearts who are so eager to learn and to please. We are 9 days into the school year and I still can't get in the mindset of a 1st grade teacher. I still drift back into 4th grade, especially during bathroom breaks. I find myself thinking "Seriously?! Did it really just take us thirteen minutes to go to the bathroom?!". I guess I'm used to saying "Okay, 4th graders, two minute bathroom break. Let's hurry! We've got a lot to do!" I was also baffled that I had to remind everyone that the one came before the zero when we write the number ten, but I wouldn't trade my position for anything!

Sadly, we had to begin this school year with a sudden tragedy. One of our sweet 2nd grade teachers lost her life in a car accident on our 7th day of the new year. My heart aches for her family and our school. I pray every morning and night that God will comfort her family, friends, students, and co-workers during this time. When something unexpected like this happens, I realize, once again, how fragile life really is. I begin to wonder about my relationship with God, my relationship with my husband, family, and friends, and my actions and reactions in situations...
Am I really too tired to go to church this morning?
How can I find time to watch TV or check Facebook, but I forget to talk to God?
Should I really be mad because Justin forgot to pick up his shoes?
Is it worth it to waste my time on people I thought were my friends, or should I focus my time on those people that I know are my friends?
We never know when our time is up here, so I want to live each day being thankful for my blessings and being a humble, generous, and loving wife, mother, friend, and co-worker.

As far as pregnancy goes...ONLY 5 WEEKS LEFT!
Let the panic begin.
I'm still feeling pretty good, I can't complain. My feet swell (sometimes A LOT) mostly everyday, but it's unavoidable at this point in time. I'm very anxious about giving birth now. I wake up and think "Is today the day?". I really want to see her, hold her, and take care of her. I'm sort of tired of being pregnant now. There are a few things I'm looking forward to doing once this pregnancy is over:
   I want, so badly, to go shopping for "cool clothes" again! The same ol' dresses and that one pair of jeans is getting old.
   I want to drink a glass (or 3) of wine.
   I want to drink sweet tea (doctor said no more since I had a kidney stone).
   I want to get on a scale and see the number go down and not UP! :)

That's all for now.

Lots of Love,

1 comment:

  1. Your post is precious. My heart aches for you, your school family, as well as Mrs. O's family & friends. I love you & am so thankful God (continually!) crossed our paths; you are such a sincere & genuine friend, & I am blessed to be a part of your life, & looking forward to being a part of Baby's!
