Saturday, February 11, 2012

Q & A

So, there's a blog that I sorta "stalk". It's called Southern Blonde. I stalk her mainly because she has the cutest, sweetest little girl that is 1 year older than Anniston. I like to look at her pictures and think about what Anniston will be doing one year from now :) Anyway, she had this little Q & A game and I thought it would be fun to play ...

Here are the rules:
1. You must post the rules
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 12 people & link them on your post. (or as many as you like)
5. Let them know you've tagged them.
Facts About Me

1. Chick-fil-A is my favorite, favorite restaurant. I'd choose that over something fancy any day!
2. My New Year's resolution is to tithe more - 10% or more every month.
3. I'm obsessed with almost all of the Real Housewives series (esp. New Jersey!)
4. I love J. Crew!
5. Baking relaxes me. The process of making ( & sometimes eating) cakes, pies, cookies, breads, etc. helps me to relax.
6. I am deathly afraid of heights! Just thinking about being somewhere high makes me sick to my stomach.
7. The last book I read was Heaven is For Real. That little boy's story changed my life.
8. I haven't slept all night long in 7+ months. Does this count as a "fun fact"? It's not fun for me :)
9. My favorite meal to cook is poppyseed chicken, brown rice & gravy, & green beans.
10. One of my biggest pet peeves is the misuse of the words your & you're, as well as there, their, & they're.
11. I love to wear anything with pearls. Pearls are so classic.
12. I have a little crush on Matt Lauer from the Today Show.

1. What's your favorite movie?
Steel Magnolias
2. How do you relax?
3. Do you workout? If so what's your favorite?
I love Physique 57! I started kickboxing recently, but I don't know if I can keep it up.
4. Describe yourself in one word.
Easygoing (is that one word?)
5. What would I find it your handbag right now?
Wallet, floss, & a to-do list
6. What would your dream job be?
I really like being a teacher. My dream is that all I would have to do is teach. No meetings, committees, workshops, etc.
7. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
5-6 hours
8. Do you like Walmart? Be honest!
Yes, at 11:00 on a weekday when nobody is there!
9. What's the last meal you cooked?
Chicken Pot Pie
10. What's your favorite vacation destination?
It's a tie between Destin, FL & Savannah, GA
11. Who's your favorite musician of all time?
Probably Carrie Underwood
12. What one item would you pack if you were on Survivor?
Sunscreen! I have fair skin :)

Okay, here are my questions for you ...

1. If you could have one plastic surgery procedure, what would it be?
2. If you won the lottery, what would be your first purchase?
3. What is the current screensaver on your phone or computer?
4. Do you have any pets?
5. What's your favorite comfort food?
6. How many times a week do you go to the grocery store?
7. What is your favorite thing to cook?
8. Where is your favorite place to shop?
9. What perfume are you currently wearing?
10. What is your favorite season?
11. What laundry detergent do you use?
12. Pepsi or Coke?

Play along if you'd like!

Keri @ Gillespie's Gatherings

Erica @ Osley Ongoings

Robyn @ And then came babies

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